Matthew Cornelius
Matthew Cornelius is a Senior Advisor for Technology and Cybersecurity at the Office of Management and Budget (OMB). He leads OMB’s Federal IT Modernization Cross Agency Priority Goal, recently published as one of the key pillars of the President’s Management Agenda. Mr. Cornelius worked with Congress to authorize and appropriate the Modernizing Government Technology Act (MGT Act), which established the Technology Modernization Fund (TMF). He established the Technology Modernization Board (chaired by the Federal CIO) that oversees the evaluation of projects for funding by the TMF and serves as executive secretary and principle executor of the TMF. Previously at OMB, he led the development of the Report to the President on Federal IT Modernization.
Prior to OMB, Mr. Cornelius served as the Senior Advisor for Cybersecurity to the Administrator of the General Services Administration. He began his Federal career as a Policy Analyst at the Department of the Treasury.