Chrissy Morgan
Chrissy heads up the IT Security Operations for a Close Protection company by day and is a Security Researcher by night. Being an ex-Bodyguard herself, she brings this unique perception into the community and currently undertakes security research to help protect her the guys on the front-line. She is actively involved within the information security community across a wealth of subjects including the rights for researchers within vulnerability disclosure. As a recent masters graduate, she has accomplished the following successes so far: Winner of Cyber Security Challenge UK (University Challenge – Team Edinburgh Napier), Finalist for Pragyan CTF, A BlackHat Challenge Coin winner for OSINT from Social Engineer.org and Black Hat Scholarship, the Steelcon Award, a WISP Sponsorship, she was the BSides London Rookie Track Winner for 2018 and lastly finalist for (ISC)² up and coming information security professional for 2019.