HSC^2 Hacker Summer Camp Hacker Standup Comedy Comedians

Larci Robertson
Larci Robertson is the Senior Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI) Manager at Epsilon, a digital marketing company. She began her cyber career in the United States Navy as an Intelligence Analyst. She had many different opportunities in the intelligence community at sea and shore. She is a proud plank owner of the Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command (NCDOC) where she was one of the first CTI analysts as we know them today. After leaving the Navy she worked as a defense contractor in various roles in the intelligence and technology fields and eventually found her way back to Cyber Threat Intelligence in the corporate world. She has been learning improv over the past few months and is leaping out of her comfort zone of silliness. She tries to find fun in most circumstances and strives to enlighten others to do the same. If it isn’t fun, you might be doing it wrong!

Bryson Bort

Joshua Jacobson @joshjaycomedy

@5urv1va7rix Mandy Logan

@r@nd0h Danny Akacki

Jason Blanchard
Jason Blanchard has been hilarious his whole life. He has turned a deep-rooted defensive mechanism into a great way to make others laugh.
This page last updated August 5, 2019