
We suggest sponsoring blue teams if you want to draw attention to your defensive tools or services, or sponsor red team if you want to draw attention to your offensive goods or services.

Sponsors should look at gold team if you want to draw attention to your system management goods and services, and you might sponsor the range if you want to draw attention to your infrastructure goods and services.

For more information about sponsorship, read our sponsor FAQ, download our sponsorship agreement or contact sponsors@bsideslv.org

2022 PVJ Sponsor Opportunities

  Cost Number Available Badges Included Description
Game Sponsor $5,000 3 4 Your brand will feature prominently during the whole CTF!
Blue Team Sponsor $3,000 1 3 Sponsor all blue teams
Red Team Sponsor $1,500 1 2 May offer a software license of tool to red team to use but red team will make their own decisions
Gold Team Sponsor $1,500 1 2 May offer a software license for gold team to use (contingent on gold team’s ability to integrate the tool)
Range Sponsor $3,000 1 3 Sponsor the game architecture, which features over 40 unique systems per team
Tool Sponsor $3,000 2 3 Tool will be made available within the in-game store and the sponsor may provide SMEs to help blue teams operate the tool. (Sponsorship subject to time and technical ability to integrate the tool)