Logo Contest
We have a WINNER!!!
Congratulations to @1darkone and @chrissistrunk
who collaborated on this together.
Questions for you:
- Are you possessing SKILLZ in graphic design/manipulation?
- Do you have a need for a badge for BSidesLV 2017 (or know someone who does)?
- Do you want the adulation of your infosec peers and the BSides Community?
If one or more of the above items applies to you or someone you know, pay attention:
Submit your entries to the BSidesLV 2017 Logo Contest!
Here’s last year’s winner, from @1dark0ne :
The winner will receive the following:
- ONE (1) ROCK Donor Badge,
- ONE (1) Limited Edition “I Helped Make BSidesLV ROCK” T-Shirt,
- 5 raffle tickets
- +1 for the BSidesLV after party on Wednesday night
- 4-pack of meal tickets
- Three night stay at Tuscany Casino, July 24th, 25th and 26th. (Double or single occupancy OK)
To enter:
- Submit LOGO designs to slogo[at]bsideslv[dot]org
- Include your Name/Handle with your submission
Logo format information:
- Ideally, the preferred format is a vector image (svg, ai, or eps), but we will accept png or jpg formats in a pinch.
- Here’s a generic version of our logo to start from if you like: BSides Generic Logo
- Regardless of format, a MINIMUM of 300 dpi is required.
- When designing your submission, keep in mind that the winning logo will be printed on tshirts that will include sponsor logos.
- All logo submissions will be required to be submitted in FULL COLOR and FOUR COLOR formats. (Printing the full spectrum on tshirts is cool looking, but VERY pricey!)
© 2018 Security BSides Las Vegas, Inc.