BSidesLV News

Official Statement of the Board of Directors, in regards to our videographer


The community hosts content from BSides conferences in multiple places. We, the BSidesLV organization, have recently been made aware that the owner of one of these sites, and the primary host and videographer for our events from 2012 to the present, has been going out of his way to antagonize certain visitors to his site and other members of the community. We would like to take this opportunity to say four things:

1) We do not condone the actions of this individual, but we cannot make people get along with each other, nor can we tell people what to do with open, free content on their own property.

2) We encourage everyone to consider why BSides exists in the first place. We are here to build a strong community, so that we can all be better — better at our jobs, better at our hobbies, and better people.

3) Dog-whistle politics is only fun for the person stirring the pot. We recognize it for what it is — malicious trolling at the community’s expense — and we will not stand behind it.

4) While we wish to thank our videographer for his past services, we are breaking ties with him and while he may choose (or not) to continue to host his past work on his site, his services will no longer be utilized at BSidesLV events.

If anyone has a viable alternative for hosting and videography of our conference, that won’t come at a cost that BSidesLV can’t afford and will allow us to publish our content for free to the community, we’d love to hear your recommendations. If you are a videographer and would like to submit a bid, please contact us.


The Security BSides Las Vegas, Inc. Board of Directors

Genevieve Southwick

Jack Daniel

Alex Hutton

Meredith L. Patterson

James McMurry

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